we create joy

magical immersive art experiences

Stepping into our immersive installations is like stepping into another world.  A world that is full of energy, color, and wonder. 

Using Brenda Pokorny’s unique mosaic artwork, we create magical 360° environments.  Projection-mapped floors challenge visitors to follow the path to the center before the maze changes underfoot.  On the walls, kaleidoscope images float and swirl, melting into a garden bursting into bloom.  Overhead, the sky twinkles with stars, then brightens into sunny blue with butterflies flitting.  Look down, and you find you now are walking a labyrinth.  The music sets a meditative mood, while the artwork surrounding you becomes calm. Water trickles across the ground, palm trees sway gently on the walls, as you realize you have stepped into an ancient garden, and after you’ve made your way through the garden paths, grand cathedral walls rise up around you with stained glass windows filtering brilliant sunlight. You are now walking a different labyrinth, where the colors of the 7 chakras follow your footsteps, and Brahms Symphony 2 fills you with joy.

Our experiences are meant to be enjoyed by people of all ages, and all abilities. Children will race to the centers before the scenes change. And once they’ve conquered each scene, they will beg their parents to do it again! Group outings, couples on dates, babysitting-grandparents, and social media mavens will be eager to share the fun. Wheelchairs, walkers, strollers — all can roll along the paths — and soak in the colorful magic.

We’d love to create joy for you.